2nd year

It’s been 2 years! Wow. I still can’t believe this, actually. :’)
We started from scratches and pieces of broken hearts, putting glue and put the pieces back each day.
Sometimes we found out the glue isn’t that sticky the piece of our heart just wandered away from where we put it the last time.
And there goes the process again to put the piece back in the right place.

The second year is hard, I admit. More pieces of heart were missing, leaving us questioning about the glue.
We kept searching for those little pieces. Some are found and kept in a temporary safe container until we find the right glue to put it back.
In the mean time, some pieces are still missing I thought about hiring a bounty hunter to find them for us.
But hey, isn’t playing hide and seek interesting when we were young?
Let’s do it again for the sake of our future.
They say scars are reminder of what happened in our past.
Reminder of the wars we’ve won, or the ones we’ve lost.
Scars will always be there as a little reminder, unless we decided to have plastic surgery to make it disappear.
But if we do, poof! There goes our lessons learned and memories of striving hard to live one more.
Each mistakes we made gave scars to the other.
As we’ve been together for this long, I stopped counting each scars I had because of you.
For I’m longing to have a better life with you in the future.
But one thing I’d never stop counting is the days I woke up with tears streaming down my face happily.
Happy that we’ve found each other. Happy that we have each other.

2 years doesn’t mean I’m the one who understands you most.
Most of the time, the closest person to you is the one who hurts you the most.
I apologized you for this, for I’m still learning how to love you correctly.
For I hope I could learn from my mistakes today and do things better tomorrow.
Because it’s your name I want to carve in my heart on top of those traces of broken heart.
Because it’s your last name I want to add on my name.
And because it’s your simple peekaboo I want to see when the world turned me down.

Happy 2nd anniversary, my dear.
I hope we last longer than those china ware our grandmas have in their kitchen cupboard.
And I hope we would still say I love you verbally everyday in any pronunciation we find it cute.
Because I woof you. And that’s all I know..

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Year 6. Growing older obviously

Jakarta, September 7th 2013


Dear Bravo,


I never know when is your exact birthday. But let’s just think that it is today, since last year it was the first day we know each other.

Since that day, we changed each other a lot. Me and your papa’s life are somewhat happier and colorful. We always want to go home early just to play with you, or just cuddling with you till it’s time to bed. To be honest, me and your papa are not rich people. We do strive hard to work and pay our bills. But since you came into our life, it’s like miracle happened. Bener juga kata orang2, anak itu punya rejekinya masing2. Karena kalau dihitung di atas kertas, boro2 beliin kamu dog food and dog treats. We can’t even pay our monthly living costs. :’)

Mommy masih inget pertama liat kamu, you were so skinny and your fur’s not shiny. You didn’t even bark and rarely understand simple commands. Look at you today, baby. Not only you grew bigger and chubbier. You bark a lot, you howl simple words like a real Siberian Husky. You can even stand on your hind legs, knows how to ask for food politely, dan bahkan kamu bisa salim plus jawab “kuuuuuum” ketika mommy pulang dan bilang “assalaamu’alaikum”. Anjing macam apa kamu bisa salamlekum segala?? Even though you do naughty stuffs sometimes, you still made us a very happy and proud pa(w)rent.

Today, as you turn 6 years old, mommy cuma bisa kasih doa yang banyak sama kamu. Semoga kamu sehat selalu, diberi kesempatan sama Tuhan untuk hidup sepanjangnya batas usia kamu, dan semoga kamu cepet selesai masa kembali jadi puppy-nya. As much as I love letting you sleep on my knees and thighs, you.. Are.. HEAVY!! >

So happy birthday my sunshine, my naughty boy, my kecebong gendut. Thank you for being a very nice kid for me and your papa. Thank you for teaching us how to be a pa(w)rent. Thank you for understanding and forgiving our mistakes since there’s no pa(w)renting school. Me and your papa can never say enough thank you to express our gratitude for your presence in our life. You really are one special dog and you are my dream came true. Thank you so much for making me a mommy to you, and for being there in every laugh and tears I shared to you.

Once again, happy birthday dear Bravo. You are the best anniversary gift I ever had, as you are probably the best thing ever happened in my life. Thank you for your unconditional love to me and your papa. We love you to the moon and back, and forever you have a special place in our heart.


P.S. Don’t expect your papa to write this kind of emotional birthday letter. He will say these kind of words with his own way. Above it all, it isn’t words that bind us together. Cause we always say it best when we say nothing at all.



Your Mommy.

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